GROHE Eurosmart

A perfect fit for every purpose

In an increasingly individualized world, we are also seeking to create a living environment that adapts to our needs and perfectly fits our lifestyle. Whether we are young or old, our needs are constantly changing. Therefore, finding a matching solution can be a hassle – for homeowners, architects, and installers alike.

GROHE is offering a simple solution to this quest for a perfect fit by relaunching the Eurosmart product line. Ever since its launch in 1999, the versatile GROHE Eurosmart line has been a bestseller. Its modern design, high functionality, and comfort features even earned it the title ‘everybody’s darling’.

With the modernized and extended range, Eurosmart has become a true all-rounder which is nevertheless able to meet highly individual needs.

With GROHE Eurosmart, there is a perfect solution for everyone. The core faucet portfolio includes various sizes ranging from S to XL. Moreover, complementing standard lever versions, the Eurosmart range features several additional product variants. While they have a lot in common – easy installation, great functionality, and modernized design – they still directly relate to people’s individual needs and serve individual purposes in modern homes, residential projects, or even doctors’ offices.

Everybody's darling

The all-time favorite with a matching variation for everyone

Eurosmart variations for the bathroom

Providing health and safety benefits for all generations

For elderly people, a little extra grip and support for everyday tasks can be helpful, regardless of whether they live in a care facility or their own home. Especially daily care routines in the bathroom can be challenging. Eurosmart loop lever variants can be a big help as they not only enable a superior grip and thus better handling of the lever but also offer a number of health and safety benefits. To reduce the danger of scalding from water, which may have accidentally been set too hot, the GROHE SafeStop button limits the temperature to 38°C. This useful safety feature protects not only senior citizens but also works well to protect their grandchildren. To carry out a thermal disinfection for hygienic purposes, it is possible to unlock the SafeStop button, thereby enabling the flow of hot water.


Extra hygiene for the medical field

Nowadays, hygiene is an important and ever-present topic. Especially in places where specific hygiene regulations apply, for instance in doctors' offices, a little extra support is useful for improved hygiene. Eurosmart bathroom faucets with long levers allow flexible hygienic operation with the elbow and prevent the surface of the faucet from becoming a potential source of contamination. This optional hands-free operation makes hand washing even more hygienic.


Combining 2-in-1 for ultimate flexibility

For those looking for more flexibility, the new Eurosmart 2-in-1 Hybrid basin mixer is a great choice: Combining both manual and touchless operation, it provides maximum comfort and great hygiene. Users can decide whether they want to touch the manual lever or use touchless technology for a more hygienic care routine by activating the water flow via an integrated sensor Moreover, Eurosmart 2-in-1 Hybrid suits an eco-conscious lifestyle: The EcoJoy function limits water consumption without compromising the water experience. Moreover, the touchless operation results in a reduction of water wastage, as the flow of water automatically stops when the hands are no longer in the sensor’s detection area.

With all these variants to choose from, Eurosmart is definitely a versatile all-rounder for any modern bathroom concept. Which one will you pick?

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