GROHE Tempesta 250

GROHE Study on Shower Enjoyment

GROHE Shower Happiness Study: 5 tips to unlock true shower enjoyment

Düsseldorf, April 23, 2024 - Long gone are the days when showering was just for cleansing. A recent GROHE survey highlights a shift in perspective: 64% of respondents associate showering with relaxation, followed by wellness (41%) and me-time (40%). Showering has become a ritual that brings a little happiness into our lives, drop by drop. Yet, this happiness is as diverse as our individual preferences and needs, mirrored in the array of features available: Whether it’s different spray patterns, vibrant colors or holistic designs, customization is the key to real shower happiness. So, how can you enhance your personal showering experience? Here are five tips!

1. Create the right environment

We all love a comforting atmosphere: Over 40% (1) of respondents state that design and a pleasant environment in the bathroom are important. Infuse the space with your own personal aesthetic by adding small details like plants or your favorite color. This doesn't mean you have to undertake a major renovation: With shower systems, faucets, and accessories available in the GROHE Colors Collection, you can choose from a broad range of options – from classic chrome to stylish black to give your bathroom an impactful color boost.

2. Set the mood

Want to get energized in the morning and start the day fresh? Play some upbeat music in the background and turn on your GROHE Jet spray pattern. Although only 18% (1) say they often sing in the shower, this could be your time to shine and get in the mood. Or are you coming home from a busy day? Then light some candles and play soothing music. Choosing a revitalizing spray like GROHE Massage could be the perfect addition to your little spa moment.

3. Choose your features

Select the right features for your needs. Maybe you want to have perfect control over the water flow and temperature? More than 80% of respondents agree, followed by the wish for water-saving features (57%) and the ability to easily switch between head and hand shower (51%). (1) If this ticks your boxes, GROHE Euphoria SmartControl is the ideal solution. Thanks to the SmartControl technology, you can effortlessly control the water with an intuitive “push, turn, shower” operation and switch between spray patterns as well as head and hand shower. Equipped with the water-saving technology GROHE Ecojoy, you can save water without sacrificing performance.

4. Small habits for a great outcome

Often, it’s the accumulation of small actions that add up to a great experience. For example, scented shower gels and soap, scrubs or essential oils can all contribute to a spa-like feeling. Or you try switching between contrasting hot and cold showers to stimulate your body or combining the shower with things you enjoy like your favorite podcast. Whatever works best for you, establishing small habits can enrich your shower routine.

5. Keep it neat

You've got the perfect routine, your dream shower is in place, and your bathroom is your personal wellness oasis – now it's time to keep it that way. 44% of respondents say they are bothered by dirt, limescale and mold (1) while showering. Letting in fresh air and using a squeegee after the shower are common tips but you can also choose products that are easy to clean. The GROHE Tempesta hand shower – for example – comes with SpeedClean silicone anti-limescale nozzles and GROHE Long-Life Finish technology that ensures a long-lasting surface which is highly resistant to dirt and scratches. On top, ShockProof, a silicone ring that prevents damage if the hand shower is dropped, makes GROHE Tempesta even more durable.

Whether you use all the tips or just one, showering is your personal moment to do what feels good and create your own personal shower happiness.

Learn more about our shower solutions portfolio.


(1) GROHE commissioned a representative survey with OPINION market research and consulting in five countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands). The survey was conducted in March 2024, with a total of 2,501 people interviewed.


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Natalie Kujat

Communications Manager LIXIL EMENA