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How to reduce plastic in daily life

Every small step counts: How to reduce plastic in everyday life

Düsseldorf, 14th July 2022 - Studies show that 68% of consumers prefer sustainable packaging(1). With dramatic effects on the environment being caused by the current plastic pollution crisis, the demand for a less-plastic lifestyle is increasing. But where to start? GROHE, a leading global brand for bathroom solutions and kitchen fittings, offers answers with its plastic-reduced packaging(2). However, the limitations of the alternatives pose a huge challenge not only to the GROHE brand and the industry, but also to consumers who want to live more waste-consciously. This shows that the path to completely plastic-free is long and needs to be brought forward by progressive steps in the right direction. Often, small actions instead of big changes can immediately impact the amount of daily plastic waste generated. To encourage consumers to engage in this ongoing and mutual journey, GROHE shares some easy and effective tips on how to use less plastic in everyday life:


1. Going for durable products

Even if currently plastics cannot be completely avoided, it is still possible to make conscious decisions on a daily basis. Investing in products made of long-lasting materials can mean higher costs at first, but is effective in the long-term. High-quality products can last many years and do not need to be replaced often. In the long run this not only saves money but, most importantly, packaging. Another tip to take a step towards plastic-reduction: borrowing products from friends and family or online sharing platforms. This eliminates unnecessary plastic packaging and costs. A win-win situation!


2. From the supermarket to the kitchen

Food and drink is one of the areas where a lot of plastic packaging is used. For example, one million plastic bottles are sold every minute(3). Drinking tap water at home can make all the difference: Water systems like GROHE Blue provide filtered and chilled, still medium and sparkling water straight from the tap and can save a family up to 800 single-use plastic bottles per year(4). A small change in everyday life with a big impact. But what about the groceries? Shopping at the local farmers’ market saves plastic packaging as lots of unpackaged foods are available. However, if this option or the budget are not available, supermarkets are offering more and more loose fruits and vegetables, too. To carry home unpackaged groceries, getting into the habit of bringing reusable bags to the store and packing a small bag when going out eliminates the need to purchase new plastic shopping bags.


3. Body care without plastic

Switching to solid soaps and shampoos or refillable containers can save plastic packaging, too. Luckily there are plenty of options in local drugstores that can help reduce the amount of waste involved. For DIY lovers looking to create a more waste-conscious bathroom routine, nurturing skin care products such as soap or lotion can easily be made at home. Something that is often overlooked: Buying razors can contribute to the amount of plastic involved in the bathroom. Therefore, reusable choices and razor blades instead of disposable options are a great step towards a less-plastic bathroom routine. Want to take it up a notch? For even more effective plastic reduction a straight razor is the way to go!


4. What’s inside the product

Plastic is not always visible at first glance. Microplastic particles are often hard to avoid when used in cosmetic products such as shower gels, makeup, exfoliants or toothpaste. Through sewage, rainwater and flooding, these particles enter rivers and ultimately oceans and affect marine life(5). But how to avoid these microplastics? Having a look at the ingredients on the packaging may not give much information. The solution: Helpful apps can bring light into the darkness. Just scan the bar code of the product and find all the information needed on microplastic ingredients!

Pro tip: Looking for companies that focus on using plastic-reduced packaging when buying new products is a great way to support and push the efforts of manufacturers towards a plastic-free future. Even if there is not yet a solution available to completely eliminate plastic, everyone can be part of the journey to further reduce it. The sustainability journey has proven that only by acting together can a difference be made to get closer to the goal of a plastic-free Earth – step by step.


(1) Footprint Study, 2022, conducted among consumers in US, UK, Germany, Netherlands, France:

(2) The removal of unnecessary plastic from GROHE’s product packaging saves 37 million plastic items per year.

(3) Plastic Soup foundation:

(4) Calculation based on a German family of 4: Environmental Action Germany (DUH)

(5) Bund. Friends Of The Earth Germany:


Melanie Vrenegor
Melanie Vrenegor

Melanie Vrenegor

Senior Communications Manager Sustainability

+49 211/9130 3030