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The future of sustainable showering

Introducing GROHE Everstream: The new solution for a water-stressed world

Many of us take for granted that the water we need is there and always will be. But as the shortages and droughts that have hit Europe this summer show, we can’t keep thinking this way. 

We need to change how we use water – and we need to start today.

Our resources are being stretched by the booming world population, and alongside the impacts of the climate crisis this is making drought and water scarcity into everyday challenges for more and more communities across the globe. In fact, almost one in three Europeans are affected by water stress in an average year.*  And 11 out of the 17 most water-stressed countries are in the Middle East and North Africa.** 

So what can be done to help safeguard the planet’s water? A key part of the solution is making homes – and particularly bathrooms, which account for over two-thirds of daily household water use***  – more efficient. Here, architects, developers and builders can help by installing products designed either to use less water or rethink how we use water.

But innovative new designs are needed to get the world where it needs to be. Today, LIXIL is building on decades of work developing more sustainable products with concepts including a water-recycling shower for its GROHE brand that encourages people to reuse water. 

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The showering process with GROHE Everstream

GROHE Everstream reuses water, consuming only a quarter of the water and a third of the energy of a typical traditional shower – depending on your shower habits. The result is a cost saving of up to 65% a year for a four-person household and up to 70% less CO2 emissions. 

This new technology has been designed to create the shower experience people expect using as little fresh water as possible, providing an opportunity to enjoy guilt-free long showers. 

We describe this concept in more detail in our white paper “The Future of Sustainable Showering”.

GROHE Everstream will be launched in spring 2024 – with a physical world premiere already in summer 2023.

If you are interested in updates, collaboration or want to learn more about the installation, get in touch.